Here is Dave's Go Fund Me site. The reward is now $5150.00 remember any donation over $50.00 comes with a money back guarantee!
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In November 1979 Gerald Burton of Roundup Montana was dying from cancer and told a family member that he and Russell Plum took a guy fishing on the Mussellshell River and killed him. In 2005 the family member finally told their son who was a South Dakota policeman about the death bed confession and he contacted the Montana Dept of Justice.
Our brother David Bird Thomson was last seen by us on July 4 1979 he then worked for a few days in Casper WY and was headed to Montana to collect money for a car a friend had sold. In 2005 my sisters had been seeing a psychic who described "seeing" Dave by water with 2 guys that he owed money to who then killed him. Some of the landmarks the psychic described sounded to my sister like Billings Mt, so she called the Billings Police Dept to ask about cold cases, and the clerk replied OMG we just received a deathbed confession describing the same thing. The police felt that the confession was legitimate but the investigation has since stalled.
The funds raised will be used to increase the reward of $5000.00 I have offered on findingdave.com for finding the identity or the body of the victim. The reward expires 1/1/2020 and if uncollected any donation of $50.00 or more will be returned (less fees) if requested. The rest will be donated to search and rescue. Please help identify the victim to see if it is my brother Dave.
Thank you
Peter Thomson
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In November 1979 Gerald Burton of Roundup Montana was dying from cancer and told a family member that he and Russell Plum took a guy fishing on the Mussellshell River and killed him. In 2005 the family member finally told their son who was a South Dakota policeman about the death bed confession and he contacted the Montana Dept of Justice.
Our brother David Bird Thomson was last seen by us on July 4 1979 he then worked for a few days in Casper WY and was headed to Montana to collect money for a car a friend had sold. In 2005 my sisters had been seeing a psychic who described "seeing" Dave by water with 2 guys that he owed money to who then killed him. Some of the landmarks the psychic described sounded to my sister like Billings Mt, so she called the Billings Police Dept to ask about cold cases, and the clerk replied OMG we just received a deathbed confession describing the same thing. The police felt that the confession was legitimate but the investigation has since stalled.
The funds raised will be used to increase the reward of $5000.00 I have offered on findingdave.com for finding the identity or the body of the victim. The reward expires 1/1/2020 and if uncollected any donation of $50.00 or more will be returned (less fees) if requested. The rest will be donated to search and rescue. Please help identify the victim to see if it is my brother Dave.
Thank you
Peter Thomson